Struggles for Justice: Then & Now
This institute offers the opportunity for teachers to develop lessons that provide a historical lens to contemporary issues, with an eye towards engaging students whose histories are often absent from grand narratives. We will explore historical narratives surrounding the “New Jim Crow,” immigration, and LBGT history. Teachers will design a lesson using primary sources from the Library of Congress’ online collection of resources and will return during the school year to review student work. Participants who complete the 3-part cycle of inquiry will receive a stipend.
Institute focus:
- Building historical content
- Integrating primary sources into instruction
- Developing student historical thinking skills
While the application deadline has passed, we are accepting applications on a waitlist.
Monday, July 13, 2015 – 8:30am
K-12 History Teachers
UC Berkeley
Event type:
Date Text:
July 13-17, 2015