Learn more about the diverse people, places, and historical themes of the American West. Join the OAH for a meaningful, 3-day workshop, July 17-19, 2015, on the campus of Glendale Community College (10 miles north of downtown Los Angeles).
Offered in the workshop package:
- A featured plenary session
- Tours to nearby historic sites
- And a variety of 90-minute concurrent sessions
Some sessions will focus on research and historiographical resources while other sessions will have a pedagogic emphasis.
Register online at oah.org/2015RegionalWorkshop beginning May 1. The conference hotel is the Hilton Glendale at 11 West Glenoaks Boulevard in Glendale, CA. The deadline for reserving rooms for the special OAH single/double occupancy rate of $139 (includes free WiFi) is July 2. Use the group code “OAH” when reserving hotel rooms. Reserve rooms online or by calling 818.956.5466.